The limit of a colored geometrical zone is always visible as a marking.
A line is likewise a colored marking which recovers its independence as such, conserving, however, the zone limit value, helped by the extremely delicate tones modulated on gray, pink and light blue. Fundamental in all visual research, and here accentuated, is the concept of entropy.
The rectangle is a system of order; two rectangles differing in chromatic quality and position (brown and light-gray-blue, below to the right) determine an alteration of the balance which it is sought to redress in the large rectangles, where the greater extension diminishes the tonal distance of the colors, preserving for them a clear, though moderate, intensity of timbre or quality. The balance is then restored by the entry of the triangle, which displaces the alternation of gray and pink tones, neutralizing the negative note of the brown triangle with the shrill of the small green triangle.
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