Igor Mitoraj / Angelo Fasciato Presented by Epicentrum Art Gallery

Igor MITORAJ - Angelo Fasciato

Presented by Epicentrum Art Gallery

  • Year
  • Technical
    Etching and aquatint
  • Image size
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Paper size
    60,0 x 40,5 cm / 23.6 x 15.9 in
  • Edition
  • Price
    On demand
  • Reference
    Igor MitoraJ - Angeli, Miti ed Eroi, Edizione Il Cigno, Roma.
  • Visit(s)
  • Condition
Igor MITORAJ - Angelo Fasciato

Acquaforte a acquatinta su carta di cm. 60x40.5
Firma e data in basso a destra, tiratura e timbri a secco "Il Cigno Stamperia, Roma, in basso a sinistra.
Bibliografia: Igor MitoraJ - Angeli, Miti ed Eroi, Edizione Il Cigno, Roma.


Eau-forte et aquatintev sur papier de 60 x 40.5 cm
Signé et daté en bas à droite, tirage et tampons secs "Il Cigno Stamperia, Rome" en bas à gauche.
Bibliographie : Igor Mitoraj - Anges, Mythes et Héros, Édition Il Cigno, Rome.


Etching and aquatint on paper measuring 60 x 40.5 cm
Signed and dated in the lower right, with edition number and dry stamps "Il Cigno Stamperia, Rome" in the lower left.
Bibliography: Igor Mitoraj - Angels, Myths and Heroes, Il Cigno Edition, Rome.

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