Joseph Beuys / "MUX" " (Wirtschaftswert) Presented by Sangallo Fine Art

Joseph BEUYS - "MUX" " (Wirtschaftswert)

Presented by Sangallo Fine Art

  • Technical
  • Image size
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Paper size
    15,0 x 11,0 cm / 5.9 x 4.3 in
  • Edition
    pezzo unico / piece unique
  • Price
    On demand
  • Reference
    Without reference
  • Visit(s)
  • Condition
Joseph BEUYS - "MUX" " (Wirtschaftswert)

Pezzo unico realizzato da Joseph Beuys dal titolo "MUX" " dalla serie Wirtschaftswert. Consistente in una busta di insetticida con cannula, iscrizione a pennarello "1 wirstschaftswert", timbro "Free International University" e firma a pennarello dell'artista. L'opera è un pezzo unico accompagnato dalla certificazione in originale della galleria di riferimento di Joseph Beuys. L'opera si presenta in ottime condizioni conservative.

Firma, iscrizione "1 wirtschaftswert", timbro FIU al fronte
Dimensioni busta 15 x 11 cm
Dimensione cornice 30 x 30 cm

L'opera è accompagnata da certificazione di autenticità e ricevuta fiscale/fattura. Imballo professionale e spedizione con corriere espresso.
Piece unique realized by Joseph Beuys and titled "MUX" from the series "Wirtschaftswert". Consisting in a package of insecticide with cannula, inscription with felt tip pen "1 wirtschaftsewer", Free International University stamp and hand signature of the artist. This is a piece unique with the certification of a main gallery that worked with Joseph Beuys. The artwork is in really good conditions.

Hand signed, "1 wirtschaftswert" inscription and FIU stamp on front
Dimension of the work 15 x 11 cm
Dimensions of the frame 30 x 30 cm

We attach the certificate of authenticity and the invoice. Fast, safe and tracked shipment with international courier.

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