Joseph Beuys / Filzpostkarte Presented by Fairhead Fine Art Ltd

Joseph BEUYS - Filzpostkarte

Presented by Fairhead Fine Art Ltd

  • Year
  • Technical
  • Image size
    10,0 x 14,6 cm / 3.9 x 5.7 in
  • Paper size
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Edition
    There was a signed edition of 120. Ours comes from the unlimited unsigned edition
  • Price
    On demand
  • Reference
    Joseph Beuys: The Multiples, Schellmann, 539
  • Visit(s)
  • Condition
Joseph BEUYS - Filzpostkarte

Medium: Original Screenprint on Felt , 1985
Size:4 x 5 3/4 x 1 1/4 in. (10.2 x 14.6 x 3.2 cm).
Edition: There was a signed edition of 120. Ours comes from the unlimited unsigned edition
Publishers: Edition Staeck, Heidelberg
Note: Filzpostkarte (by Joseph Beuys) is not just the title of the item, it is also a play with words: Fil
postkarte – felt postcard-, and Feldpostkarte – a postcard sent to and from soldiers on in the battlfield.
Joseph Beuys’s “Filzpostkarte,” reflects the artist’s esteem for the postcard in general because of its
double function as a vehicle for communication and a simple artistic medium. He, therefore trans
ferred a multitude of materials, important to his work - like wood, copper and even sulphur- into the
form of a postcard.
Public Collections: Walker Art Centre Library Collection
Literature: Joseph Beuys: The Multiples, Schellmann, 539

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